September 2010

Dear Friends & Readers:

The summer has ended, the nieces and nephews are back in school and I’ve been stuck indoors writing. I’m not going to lie, this project is kicking my butt! It’s a strange relationship. I love this story and know it wants to be told. I love the hero/heroine and the world building. I love so many things about it…however, sometimes even when you love a project so much, it can be completely difficult to put down on paper. I suppose the hardest projects are the ones I’ll remember and love the most. Of course, from where I’m sitting right now, it doesn’t seem to be true but I know in my heart it’s true.

There’s so much going on this month which includes an extra candle on my cake. Yep, growing older and hopefully wiser…but that doesn’t stop me from feeling young at heart! I’m not big on celebrating my birthday so I’ll just play it by ear. I’ve got another busy month. Besides wrapping up on my manuscript and sending it off, I have to start right back up on a new one. Fortunately, this one is a lot shorter and is in my comfort zone. Contemporaries are so fun to write and it’s something I can relate to! Well, I’m hoping next month I can share the blurb for my secret project…I know you’re dying to know. It is very juicy…that’s all I’m saying.

Okay, back to the dreaded writing cave….

Celebrate with me!