October Obsession

‎”Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
—Steve Jobs

We are about two and a half months closer to the end of the year and I’m trying to meet my goal of learning something new. I’ve spent a little bit of time working in the music industry and one of the things I loved most was writing lyrics. Of course, some of the songs I’ve written will never be released due to the talent quitting the music industry, but at least I have the tracks archived. It’s a great reminder that I was lucky to have worked with talented producers in New York, had my music listened to by music execs, and I was so close to having a career as a lyricist. But we all know that the road traveled always has intersections leading elsewhere…

Although I’ve had some music training, I never pursued it further. I’ve always wanted to learn the guitar but never seemed to find the time to take lessons. This year I decided I’d learn the basics so that I could play a few notes. I’m sure I’ll get better in time but what I dream of doing is writing music to accompany my lyrics…so this was a great opportunity to put it on my “to do” list this year. Unfortunately, I have very small hands, so my short fingers has made it difficult to play on a regular sized guitar. Thus the delay has led to me in search of a smaller guitar that will fit me just right. While I’m searching for the perfect fit, I’m learning the basics in between all my work load and writing.

I supposed I’m a bit obsessed when it comes to learning. I’m not afraid to tackle things once I set my mind to it and I will do whatever it takes to accomplish the goal. It’s the part of my brain that is persistent so I feel confident I will be satisfied with the end result. Strumming the guitar has this sort of relaxing effect so it really helps me get into the mindset of the character I’m writing about. A rock star who is tired of playing the kind of music his record label wants him to play, when all he would love to do is play the songs he really wants to. This part of my research is always fun–and I get to pick up something new in the process. How I see it, it’s a win-win.

How about you? Have you made a goal this year and accomplishing it?

Until next time, I’ll be cheering you on…