Sweet September
“What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose.”
—Margaret Thatcher
This is my favorite month for many reasons. First, it’s because number 9 is my favorite number…and it’s the month of September (09)—and it’s also a month in which yours truly was born. BUT, that’s not why this month is so sweet.
The sweetest thing about this particular month is that I get to draw the winner of the great big ‘ole giveaway on THIS page—AND I get to announce that SHIBUYA MOMENT is now AVAILABLE IN PRINT through Amazon, which offers free supersaver shipping! WOOHOO! Also, you can purchase a copy right from my website—which if you get it from here—I will be able to autograph and include the gorgeous RTCs (Romance Trading Cards) with each purchase. All author proceeds will go to charity. I’m excited to find more ways to contribute. Japan still needs our help!
Summer is now over and winter is be fast approaching. Is it me, or did this year just fly by? I know! I’m really looking forward to many amazing things to come and I hope you’ll stick around to see what’s in store. Thanks for your support and thanks for allowing me to continue to create stories that I hope you’ll love! I wouldn’t have gotten this far without my readers, my friends!
Wishing you a magical month! You should all celebrate along with me because there is so much life to embrace!!!!
Stay SEXY!