January 2010

Dear Friends & Readers:


This 2010 is starting off very well for me and I’ve been keeping busy trying to get some projects out the door. I’m still behind schedule but excited about what this year has in store for me. Right now, I still can’t believe my novella BRUSH STROKES will be released Sunday, January 10th! So far I’ve gotten a few favorable reviews trickling in from You Gotta Read Reviews, Romance Junkies, and Coffee Time Romance Reviews. I’m so happy these reviewers enjoyed my story and I’m quite proud of it! 🙂

Another awesome news made it my way as well…Most of my friends know that I dabble in graphic design and create covers for a few publishers. I recently discovered that I had won an Ariana award for a book cover design I did for Awe-Struck Publishing. It’s really an honor. I haven’t tried submitting any of my covers in the past but I must thank the author and publisher for submitting it. Looks like we all won.

I know I promised a contest and I’ll deliver. December was rather hectic with moving, deadlines, and unexpected life challenges so I didn’t get a chance to do a lot of things I wanted to. So this month’s contest will be super spiffy for one lucky winner! I will only tell you that the winner will also win a signed printed/bound ARC of BRUSH STROKES, a nice piece of original art, and a chance to have their first name used as a character in one of my future projects. I would love for the winner to send me a photo of them posing with the prize so I can post up…hint, hint.

How to enter and other stuff:

* Purchase my eBook BRUSH STROKES when it’s released and email me at jaxcassidy @ gmail.com (no spaces in the email) to let me know you did it and I’ll put your name in the drawing twice! I’m trusting you on this!

* If you have purchased any of my previous releases (even under Cassidy Kent) email me and let me know which one and what character(s) you loved most and I’ll add you in the drawing.

* This contest will close at the end of day on January 31, 2010. One lucky winner will be randomly chosen and I’ll announce who they are the first week in February.

NOTE: This prize applies to any winner in the US. However, an international winner will receive a gift certificate to Amazon along with 5 eBooks of any stories from my backlist.

I’m sure everyone is still recovering from all the holiday festivities and hoping the new year has started off with a happy bang! As always, thank you for visiting my website, blog, and for interacting with me on my social networks. I cannot thank you enough for your support!

All my best,